Out of you heart

I'm walking sweet heart...
Because I was here knocking in your heart's door...
But you never open it....
It's so cold here...
I think that is hurting myself...
So sorry sweet heart...
Because I was making so noise ...
I was just needing you...
And I need you now.
I walked to your  heart's door...
And I loved that!
But the distance that I walked...
Just to give a stupid note.
So... Please... Leave me read It for you... Here, out of your heart.
My stupid note say:
"I have a secret
I have a question
And any security:
Can I love you?"

I know... I'm stupid too. But, that's me in your heart's door...
Don't worry... I gonna go...
You'll nerver open your heart...

 Blue eyes...
So sorry for that.
Take your silence again and be happy.
And  don't worry...
I'm crying...But don't always ...
You don't need say more "excuses"...
Nobody  is obliged to love somebody.

But blue eyes... I could love you so much...
I shouldn’t have told you how I like you....
However... If I can't love you...
It's fine sweet blue eyes...
But I never say good bye. I can't do this...
I'm not stronge enough
So sorry for that....
Really sorry.


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